Call for papers

Submission of contributions

The deadline for sending abstracts is March 15, 2020. Documents should be sent to: EasyChair submission page

For any question or request, please send us an email to:

Contributions on a subject related to the theme “Digital transformation in heritage institutions” can take one of the following formats:

Full length paper

20 min plus question time

Short paper

10 minutes plus question time

Brief presentation

5 minutes

Poster presentation

Conference Topics

Documentation in museums and digital strategy

• Documentation of collections, of collections management, of museum activities (exhibitions, performances, intangible cultural heritage), digitization, and digital preservation
• Documenting archival material in museum documentation software
• Connecting object information with archival and library resources
• Resources management and staff training (Data Literacy)
• Knowledge management

Data handling

• Data management and workflow
• Digital asset management (central repository)
• Virtual research environment

How to respond to users expectations?

• Using digital tools and applications to reach new target groups (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Extended Reality)
• Social media
• Blog

Data standards, digital networking and data enrichment

• Linked Art
• Vocabularies
• Crowdsourcing
• Use of Artificial Intelligence


We invite you to submit an abstract of your paper or poster. An international panel of experts will review all submissions.

The abstract should be written in English or French and must be in an electronic format (preferably PDF).

Abstracts should not be longer than 250 words, and should be formatted simply (preferably Times New Roman, 12pt, double spaced).

Please include the following information at the beginning of the abstract:

  • Title
  • author(s)
  • affiliation(s)
  • contact information (incl. email address).


Certificates of attendance will be given to the conference participants.